[announce] Chora 1.2.2 (final)

chuck at horde.org chuck at horde.org
Sat Jun 12 14:31:13 PDT 2004

The Horde Team is pleased to announce the official release of the Chora CVS
Viewer version 1.2.2.

Chora is the module in the Horde application framework that provides a
read-only WWW interface to any number of CVS repositories. Advanced features
include a visual branch view of the repository history, pretty-printing output
via the Horde framework, annotation, and output compression.

Changes in this release:
    - A hole in the diff code that allowed malicious input has been closed.
    - Annotating on systems that allow whitespace in user names was fixed.

The full list of changes (from version 1.2.1) can be viewed here:


The Chora 1.2.2 distribution is available from the following locations:


Patches against version 1.2.1 are available at:


Or, for quicker access, download from your nearest mirror:


MD5 sums for the packages are as follows:

    32017a2430971d501429b7dd5c1f5b95  chora-1.2.2.tar.gz
    3e4d434753cea72c159c6a7a6a19c386  patch-chora-1.2.1-1.2.2.gz

Have fun!

The Horde Team.

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