[ansel] Patch to add search capability

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Mon May 17 14:49:45 PDT 2004

Quoting "Heath S. Hendrickson" <heath at outerspaceconsultants.com>:

> It's a rather limited search functionality, but it works.

Yup! Cleaned up a bit, fixed a few things (IS and IS NOT, mainly) and 

> The only thing that I haven't figured out how to do is to verify
> permissions on the found images before displaying them in the final
> result set.  It's not critical, though, becasue the gallery permissions
> should deny a user from seeing the image if they don't have the correct
> permissions.  It's just an information disclosure vulnerability, for
> those of you keeping track.  I suppose I could run each image's gallery
> through a quick check, and use local caching to speed it up... I'll have
> to think about it though, and it's getting late...

Yeah, something along these lines would be good. Shouldn't be too hard to do.


"Regard my poor demoralized mule!" - Juan Valdez

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