[commits] Horde branch master updated. 337af09cc44153120b00994c0d4bad0331ffd82a

Gunnar Wrobel p at rdus.de
Sat May 14 09:37:15 UTC 2011

The branch "master" has been updated.
The following is a summary of the commits.

from: 89981775ae1b5589763ac7f0dae1d8ef8a7176bc

337af09 Ignore failures in listApps().


commit 337af09cc44153120b00994c0d4bad0331ffd82a
Author: Gunnar Wrobel <p at rdus.de>
Date:   Sat May 14 11:37:04 2011 +0200

    Ignore failures in listApps().
    Fixes a chicken-egg problem when pre-configuring a system. If the
    configuration files exist and set the permission system to 'sql' while
    the database is still missing horde-db-migrate will fail. It will
    initialize the registry and fails when listing the applications in the
    notification factory as this involves a permission check. This can be
    safely ignored.

 framework/Core/lib/Horde/Core/Factory/Notification.php |   15 +++++++++------
 1 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)


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