commit: chora checkout.php horde/lib/MIME Viewer.php horde/lib/MIME/Viewer enscript.php php.php
16 Apr 2001 00:19:14 -0000

avsm        2001/04/15 17:19:14 PDT

  Modified files:
    .                    checkout.php 
    lib/MIME             Viewer.php 
    lib/MIME/Viewer      enscript.php php.php 
  Change the API slightly, so that MIME_Viewer::render() returns the
  output instead of printing it directly.
  This means the php output handler needs to use output buffering
  to trap the highlight_string() output which makes it more inefficient.
  However, we need to do this so that we can render text/plain output
  correctly when printed inside HTML (in Chora, for example).  It runs
  through htmlspecialchars().
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.11      +4 -6      chora/checkout.php
  1.2       +5 -4      horde/lib/MIME/Viewer.php
  1.2       +4 -3      horde/lib/MIME/Viewer/enscript.php
  1.2       +6 -2      horde/lib/MIME/Viewer/php.php