[cvs] commit: dimp compose.php imp compose.php imp/lib Compose.php

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Sat Aug 19 23:36:09 PDT 2006

slusarz     2006-08-19 23:36:09 PDT

  Modified files:
    .                    compose.php 
    .                    compose.php 
    lib                  Compose.php 
  Clean up handling of saving drafts.  Instead of reference, have separate method
  to retrieve UID of newly saved draft.  Don't have saveDraft() delete old
  messages - looking at the old code, this was most likely broken anyway as the
  indices array was not in the correct format.  Condense duplicate code in
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.41      +22 -14    dimp/compose.php
  2.984     +2 -4      imp/compose.php
  1.238     +29 -24    imp/lib/Compose.php

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