[cvs] commit: dimp/templates/chunks fullmessage.php dimp/templates/imp message.html dimp/templates/views ShowMessage.php

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Sun Aug 27 01:09:17 PDT 2006

slusarz     2006-08-27 01:09:17 PDT

  Modified files:
    templates/chunks     fullmessage.php 
    templates/imp        message.html 
    templates/views      ShowMessage.php 
  encode &'s in HTML parameters
  don't store personal part of e-mail address in 'name' parameter - since this
  is a special parameter that has specific rules.  Rename to a proprietary
  name instead ('personal').
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.24      +2 -2      dimp/templates/chunks/fullmessage.php
  1.23      +1 -1      dimp/templates/imp/message.html
  1.19      +2 -2      dimp/templates/views/ShowMessage.php

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