[cvs] commit: dimp/lib/Views ListMessages.php dimp/js/src ViewPort.js dimp/js ViewPort.js dimp imp.php

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Wed May 2 20:30:52 UTC 2007

slusarz     2007-05-02 16:30:52 EDT

  Modified files:
    lib/Views            ListMessages.php 
    js/src               ViewPort.js 
    js                   ViewPort.js 
    .                    imp.php 
  When cycling through a message list and triggering a bunch of ListMessages
  calls, only display the most recent call.  Todo is being smarter about when
  we generate ListMessage calls and merging the results so we don't have to
  download the same slice more than once.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.151     +3 -2      dimp/imp.php
  1.125     +1 -1      dimp/js/ViewPort.js
  1.102     +12 -4     dimp/js/src/ViewPort.js
  1.25      +6 -1      dimp/lib/Views/ListMessages.php

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