[cvs] commit: dimp/js ViewPort.js dimp/js/src ViewPort.js

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Thu Jun 5 08:29:38 UTC 2008

slusarz     2008-06-05 04:29:38 EDT

  Modified files:
    js                   ViewPort.js 
    js/src               ViewPort.js 
  Optimize updating content by doing things like limiting the number of DOM
  deletions/additions (we can do a single update() call to clear the message list
  rather than multiple removeChild calls, we can prepare the rows first and then
  update in a single call) and by setting the selected class at the time we
  eval the template rather than changing once the elements are in the DOM.
  Also, fix the always nasty IE bug where a script totally fails if an extra
  comma is left inside of an object.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.272     +1 -1      dimp/js/ViewPort.js
  1.250     +22 -17    dimp/js/src/ViewPort.js

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