[dev] identities

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Tue, 24 Oct 2000 11:35:27 -0400 (EDT)

Quoting "Brent J. Nordquist" <bjn@horde.org>:

> pine 4.21 has these (called "roles") and I've just started using them in
> the past few weeks.  It takes a little getting used to [I've gotten a lot
> of bounced messages from the Horde mail server ;-)] but I really like it.  
> They encompass From, Reply-To, signature, and the folder into which saved
> mail is stored.  You can define patterns on header fields so that it can
> auto-guess which role you want to use to forward/reply, for example... or
> you can select the role manually.

Other things that could be included: SMTP server to use (now that we'll have
SMTP as an option once I can commit to PEAR again...), fullname. etc...

Another question is whether you could have a user tie an identity to a specific
mailserver. This goes back to the idea of "credentials" that I've been kicking
around for a while - a username, password, server name, server type, port,
folder string, etc - all the information needed to access a mail account. Or,
more generally, an account of some kind - ldap server, calendar, mail, etc.

Thinking about it, I think "identities" are tied enough to IMP that they should
be seperate from "credentials", though it'd be cool if we could tie them
together somehow. Some design work needs to be done on how all of this will work
(and be stored), but I think it's definitely worth pursuing.

> I think this would be cool to have in IMP.  A friend of mine said that
> pine is the only client he knows that does this... it would be cool if we
> had it too.

Nah, Mulberry has had it for a while...


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
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