[dev] Unused preferences?

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Fri, 14 Sep 2001 11:53:07 -0400

Quoting Michael M Slusarz <slusarz@bigworm.colorado.edu>:

> After noticing that chora is not storing it's temp files where I want it to, 
> I discovered (what looks like) a preference items that is not being used.
> * In horde/lib/Horde.php -- getTempDir()
> the GLOBAL variable $GLOBALS['conf']['tmpdir'] is the first option for where 
> to store temp files.  However, I can find no place to declare this in any
> configuration file.

You can declare it in horde/config/horde.php, or override it in any 
applications conf.php. I just added it to horde.php.dist along with appropriate 

> Additionally In horde/config/horde.php.dist, the preference item
> $conf['cache']['params']['dir'] does not seem to work.  Here are my settings:

There was a bug in Cache/file.php; I've just fixed it. Once it propogates to 
anoncvs, you should be set.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
Some fallen angels have their good reasons.