[dev] Thoughts on Calendar

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Sat, 7 Sep 2002 11:49:32 -0400

Quoting Robin Johnson <robbat2@orbis-terrarum.net>:

> This feature I think we definetly need. The calender viewing mechansim
> will become more complicated, but it will be a lot more powerful.

Yes. I certainly want to have this for the Horde summary, but it'd be great
to have in general as well. I have no time to work on it right now, though.
Patches? =)

> Implementation wise, I think it might be wise to use something like the
> IMP IMAP folders system for this. And have a number of calenders
> selected for the main view. An additional possibility, althought I think
> it will be too much work, would be the ability to create calender
> groups. This could be used, say the executives of a club who have their
> class schedules in Kronolith, could just put together a big group of
> their class schedule calendars, and see easily where everybody is free
> for meetings and the like.

You lost me in that entire paragraph; I have no idea what you mean by having
something like an IMAP folders system. Can you try this again?


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
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