[dev] summary page with non-show modules?

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter@physics.utexas.edu
Tue, 10 Sep 2002 01:17:37 -0500

I've been playing with Jonah in CVS HEAD (today's).  I want to put Jonah on
the Horde summary page.  But, I have Jonah maked as "show => false" in the
Horde Registry.  So it won't show on the summary page (simply says
"Invalid Module: Jonah" instead).  If I set show to true, it works fine.
But what I want, don't ask why, but I really do want this, is to make it
work in the summary when show = false.  Can anyone help point me where I
need to look to accomplish this??? 

(Note: I have already found the check that keeps
it out of the preferences/options summary list, and changed that so it
can be selected/deslected in the options pages...  Just need to make it
work now if it is selected).

Well, off to sleep on this for a while... ;)

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

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