[dev] problem with login over imap using IMP

Edwin Culp eculp@encontacto.net
Sat, 21 Sep 2002 19:15:09 -0700

Quoting Pavel Chytil <pavel@chytil.tk>:

 | I am using IMP to do the authorization over imap and I am getting following
 | error in /var/log/maillog:
 | Sep 21 17:04:54 brain imapd[5120]: Login failed user=_brain_asp_ogi_edu
 | auth=_brain_asp_ogi_edu host=brain.asp.ogi.edu []

I would make a wild guess that you are using the vinfo hook and you are
substituting _ for . and there is an error?  Have you compared this line 
with a successful login from another souce such as imp/test.php  I would 
assume something like
Sep 21 19:08:26 casa-156 imapd: LOGIN, user=eculp@insourcery.net, ip=[]
I just generated the above by using imp/test.php and the following is
a regular login to the same imp from a while ago  cut and pasted from 
Sep 21 18:37:25 casa-156 imapd: LOGIN, user=eculp@insourcery.net,

AFAIK, you should have something similar.

 | I tried imp/test.php and that is working fine, same if I do not use IMP to
 | login
 | to Horde frame work, but just the standard login using imap.
 | Pavel
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