[dev] bug in Group.php ??

René Lund Jensen lundeman@tbkol.dk
Sun Oct 27 16:39:15 2002


I'm still strugling with this XML_RPC stuff.
In hope that someone fixed something I made an cvs update...

and now I get this....

If I make a call to listAllUsers() in Group.php
to get a list off all the users in a "leaf"-group.
Then i get an error with:

Wrong datatype for first argument in call to array_key_exists in
/www/horde.tbkol.dk/html/horde/lib/Group.php on line 99

This is because the call:
$groups = $this->_groups->export(CATEGORY_FORMAT_FLAT, $group);

returns an array: array('groupname' => true)
now groups is set to array_values for this returned array
(ie. an array with the value "true" in this case).

hereafter listUsers is called for every value of $groups.

AFAIK it makes no sense to call listUsers("true");

I would have send a patch but, i don't know where to fix this.
1) should the call to export not return true..??
2) should $groups be set to array_keys insted og array_values ??

PS: Any news about the XML_RPC stuff..??
I'm quite stuck. I have a lot of trouple with the registry when I'm using

René Jensen