[dev] Patch: Add option 'list directories first' in gollem

Martin Ebourne lists at ebourne.me.uk
Fri Aug 15 10:10:16 PDT 2003

On Thu, 14 Aug 2003, Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org> wrote:
> > Quoting Martin Ebourne <lists at ebourne.me.uk>:
> > > I've added an option to gollem: 'List directories first'
> This is really nice! How about symlinks to directories (we already detect
> them somehow)?

That would be good indeed. I looked into it at the time and mentioned it in
my email. I didn't actually carry out any experiments, so can't be certain,
but it appeared to me from reading the code that the behaviour is as

1. The various sql and pseudo filesystems didn't support links and so were
not relevant.
2. The file VFS resolved the link and set its type based on what it pointed
to, and hence should be treated as a directory where relevant automatically.
3. The ftp VFS knew about the link but didn't know what type it pointed to
and hence it couldn't be done. This is backed up by the fact that a link
always has a 'directory link' icon.

However, using it since I've noticed while using the ftp VFS that if it
points to a directory then that is navigable, but not if it's a file. So it
must know somehow. Hence next week hopefully I'll be able to work out how it
nows this. (Unless anyone can tell me before?)



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