[dev] more ansel tweaks

Ben Chavet ben at chavet.net
Fri Nov 14 09:30:19 PST 2003

Quick rundown:

- added some padding to the preview image on the tiles.  I just think it looks
  better having a buffer between the dark background and the actual image.

- put the image, description, next/prev arrows in a greybox (when viewing a
  screen image).  The arrows seemed to get lost too easily on the dark
  background.  If I hadn't been keeping up on the mailing list, I'd completely
  overlook them.  It also plays along with the reasoning as above, I think it
  looks better with a buffer from the background

- gave the perpage preference a system-wide max.

- if perpage is not set, it defaults to 9.  0 doesn't work out so well.

- Tiles now honor the showdefaultimage preference.  I really only added this for
  completeness.  Not sure why anybody would use the tile view without a preview,
  but this at least lets them.

I definitely agree that the previews look better without forcing a dimension.
The reason I went with it in the first place is that IE didn't like it.  I
haven't looked at the new code with IE yet, though.  If only everybody used
mozilla... :)

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