[dev] Take back CSS padding change?

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Sun Oct 24 08:13:22 PDT 2004

I think we should revert the global-padding-reset-css-change. I really like
the idea behind it but there are simply too much issues that can't easily
be resolved. It breaks too much layout so short before the beta releases.

One major thing is table padding. Using the css rules like now, the
cellpadding attributes of the hundreds if not thousands of tables we use in
the layout become meaningless, i.e. are being ignored. To fix this we need
to locate each table not using the default padding we set in the td rule
(1px currently) and set a class name for them with a nested tag selector
that sets the original padding. This would probably take days, so we should
at least revert this until the beta releases and make a new attempt after


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