[dev] VFS errors in HEAD version of Vcation

Lance Wilson lance at webguyinternet.com
Mon Apr 11 13:03:09 PDT 2005

I just installed the latest version of the HEAD CVS of Vacation (with HEAD 
versions of Horde, IMP, Gollem, etc)

When I try to create a vacation message I get this error:
  Failure in modifying vacation notice: Unable to write VFS file 

What does this mean?  I am able to get Gollem to work and FTP into my remote 
mailserver box but Vacation does not seem to work. Any ideas?  How to I 
enable the debugging to get further details on this issue.

I am using MySQL in the Horde Prefs as the VFS filesystem.  I'm not sure if 
this is related.

Lance Wilson 

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