[dev] Horde Search

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Sun Jun 5 17:05:10 PDT 2005

Quoting "erdinc at yilmazel.com" <erdinc at yilmazel.com>:

> I am a senior computer engineering student in Marmara University, Turkey
> and I want to get involved in the Horde Search project that is supported by
> Google as a part of The Summer of Code program.


> I am skilled in PHP, parsers, and text processing. My project MyObjects,
> (An object persistence library for PHP 5) was awarded 7th grade in last
> symmers Zend PHP 5 Coding contest.
> (http://www.zend.com/php5/contest/contest.php)

That looks pretty cool, what sort of license do you have on it? ;) I'm 
currently looking for next-gen Horde stuff...

> However, I am not very familier with horde. I'm just using IMP on a server.

Well, are you interested in changing that?


"But she goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy." - John 
Quincy Adams

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