[dev] Text_Flowed

Joaquim Homrighausen joho at webbplatsen.se
Fri May 18 21:58:21 UTC 2007

Hello --

   odd question perhaps, but while fiddling with Text_Flowed, I cannot 
get it to do what I would have expected it to. Before posting this, I've 
gone through IMP-code to see if I missed something in my use of it, but 
I can't find any major differences (apart from things like character 
sets and attachments).

  What happens is that I've got a simple textarea-control, in which I 
enter really long lines of words. Then I let Text_Flowed have a go at 
the text (not quoted) before posting it to a database. I then re-read 
the text, and it's displayed just fine. When I want to emulate "quoting" 
(much like IMP's "reply" but for a different purpose), I run the text 
through Text_Flowed, with $quote set to true. It does quote, but for 
these really long lines I mentioned, it doesn't physically break the 
line and prefix each line with a >. It simply places one > in front of 
the line and then the rest of the line is left intact.

  Looking at the "same" message in IMP, it does get properly "quoted" 
when I click Reply. I've obviously missed something, but I cannot for 
the life of me figure out what.


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