[dev] Horde imap client performance

Ruu Gulin ruu.gulin at gmail.com
Thu Jul 14 18:01:28 UTC 2011

Thank you for the help!

> This sounds like an issue with your network connection then, or at  
> least with PHP's socket connection.  If it is working fine when  
> network latency is eliminated, then it would not seem to be an issue  
> with the Horde Imap code per se.
> And it shouldn't be an issue with pipelining commands, since we  
> optimize the search and send it out in a single command.  And the PHP  
> imap functions will generally send a bunch of additional commands  
> which make it even less efficient.

That's what i thought, so I didn't expect this problem. Both request, horde imap
and php imap (imap_fetchheader()) return just a single email. Maybe it's the
internet connection, but I tried it from a server on my local computer as well
as from an external webserver. Anyway, i will try follow your suggestion to log
the imap traffic.

> First, it wouldn't be done in Socket.php - it would be done in the  
> Envelope data object.
> Second, one issue is that some IMAP servers will return the envelope  
> data already decoded into UTF-8 (it is not entirely clear whether this  
> is proper according to the RFC).  Thus, we can't guarantee the return  
> value.
> Third, there has to be a way to get the raw return value.
> A solution would be to add additional properties to the envelope  
> object that will contain values guaranteed to be decoded (e.g.  
> subject_decoded, from_decoded).

ok, i understand. thanks again, I was just surprised that the output of the
structure (Horde_Imap_Client_Data_Fetch::getStructure()) was in utf8 but the
envelope wasn't.

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