[dev] CSS Parsing class

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Thu Mar 21 22:13:08 UTC 2013

Quoting Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at horde.org>:

> Saying we need to leave the original BROKEN code in place because  
> that's the status quo is absolutely absurd!  By that reasoning we  
> should never fix bugs because it might break current behavior. (Sure  
> enough, the code implemented to fix logging appears to be causing  
> some unwanted behavior for new people.  But does that mean we should  
> have not implemented the original bug fix?  Of course not.)

For the record... I will agree/admit that the current state of affairs  
is not optimal.  But there comes a point where you have to do the  
cost/benefit analysis of making this change.  And here the analysis is  
heavily in favor of fixing vs. letting a fix for a prominent issue  
wait for some yet-unreleased version of the software of which certain  
individuals may not be able to update to for years (i.e.: I just found  
out that Fedora 18 ships Horde 3/IMP 4.  That's not tremendously  

This may be a different case if the csstidy code was not  
lacking/blatantly broken in multiple different ways.  But it isn't.   
That's just the situation we have.

The issue reported regarding ',' separators was indeed a 2-line fix.   
IMHO there's a big difference between new code that might need to be  
tweaked vs. trying to duct tape the csstidy code even more with  
absolutely no guarantee that it is going to work properly.


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at horde.org]

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