[gollem] SMB backend issue

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Mon May 15 08:40:55 PDT 2006

Zitat von Murray Trainer <mtrainer at central-data.net>:

>> Zitat von Murray Trainer <mtrainer at central-data.net>:
>> > I am trying to Gollem working using a SMB backend.  I am using the
>> > latest stable versions of Horde and Gollem.  Firstly, I don't get SMB as
>> > a choice in the Horde Virtual File Storage setup screen - I only get
>> > "Files on the local system" or "SQL Database" - should SMB appear here?
>> No.
>> > When I try to connect to the SMB share in the File Manager screen I get
>> > an "Authentication to the SMB server failed" error.  Is there something
>> > I am missing?
>> A working configuration, probably. But you didn't provide us with any
>> details how you have setup Gollem.
>> Jan.
>> --
>> Do you need professional PHP or Horde consulting?
>> http://horde.org/consulting/
> Hi Jan,
> Thanks for the quick replay.  I just sorted it out - I had a problem  
>  with my Samba
> server :-)  Gollem works now.  How do I make the Show Dotfiles   
> option off for all
> users by default?



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