[horde] horde/nag - where does it get socket....

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu
Thu Mar 6 21:57:28 PST 2003

Quoting Bill Dossett <bd at emtex.com>:

> first off, I have the correct path to my mysql.sock
> in the /etc/php.ini   I thought that was supposed
> to do the trick.. but even though I have it there
> and it points to /home/mysql/mysql.sock  ....
> horde is still looking in /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
> ??? I think that is pretty funky...

Horde looks where you tell Horde to look, not where you tell php to look.

> where is it getting
> that path from???

Well, from your config files and/or PEAR.  Since you are using Horde 2.0,
it has to be from your nag config file and not your Horde config files (if
this only happens with nag).  Horde 2.0 didn't have a sql setting that the
others could inherit.

Now, Horde uses PEAR, and PEAR could very well have its own defaults.  If so,
then not specifying it in Horde apps would mean using the PEAR defaults.

>  it's certainly not in any of the horde
> files as I've grepped every directory for that path..

Then I would assume it is in PEAR.  But you can add it to your Horde app
config files, such as nag's config.
> so, I'm happy to put the mysql.sock path in any
> of the configs, but how?

When you set up the sql for nag or whatever, in the 'params' block 
where you set it up, specify a 'socket' value which will be the
path to the socket.  You may also need to make sure you set 'protocol'
to 'unix' (may default to 'tcp' instead).

>  I mean what's the syntax?

Probably something like:

$conf['storage']['params']['socket'] = '/home/mysql/mysql.sock';

(I'm not sure what version of nag you run, so the 'storage' part may
be different.  But it is where you've already defined the rest of
the mysql info it needs)

> I'm sure this would fix it, but I just don't know how to
> put in in the horde/config/horde.php  and horde/nag/config/conf.php
> as I don't know the syntax....

With Horde 2.0, you can't put it in horde/config but need it in each
app (e.g. horde/nag/config/conf.php)
> which brings up an intersting point to me anyway... does
> imp use databases??

It can, and usually does, as it is rather limiting without them.  But
it doesn't require them.

> imp is working fine for me, and if it
> does use a database, then ....

Not required.  Used for preferences for example.  But will run fine
without a database.

> why does it find the mysql.sock
> and why doesn't nag?

Only guess is you're not using sql with IMP, or you somehow managed to 
configure IMP right and not configure nag right.

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

Why get even? Get odd!

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