[horde] User-submitted bounties

Stuart Bingë s.binge at codefusion.co.za
Fri Jan 30 00:35:14 PST 2004

Hello all,

I've just noticed the Horde bounties - great idea.

I was wondering, though, if it's possible for other people to submit bounties 
(and sponsor them, of course). If it is possible we may want to submit some 
bounties for work on the Kolab Webclient, as there are a couple of 
outstanding issues we'd like to resolve but don't have the time to complete 
ourselves. We'd happily be willing to pay someone for the work that needs 
doing, and in the end it would benefit both Horde and the Kolab project.


Stuart Bingë
Code Fusion cc. <http://www.codefusion.co.za/>
Tel: +27 11 391 1412
Mobile: +27 83 298 9727
Email: s.binge at codefusion.co.za

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