[horde] reagent: the code

Mij mij at bitchx.it
Wed Apr 21 09:34:37 PDT 2004

Il giorno 21/apr/04, alle 01:59, Mij ha scritto:

> Important, about its license:
> I didn't decide for a license yet. It will probably be BSD, maybe 
> LGPL, at most GPL.
> Have to say that it's the fruit of a project I'll be assessed on as 
> part of a university
> examination. Unlikely will the Institute (Politecnico di Milano) 
> impose requirements
> about the license. Even in this case, very very unlikely they will 
> impose me to
> license it with a license stricter than "free for non-commercial use". 
> I guarantee I will
> fight for the most free. What I hope and think: they will request the 
> Intellectual Property,
> leaving it free for any use for the rest. After all, 
> http://webmail.polimi.it/ ...

I finally got the definite answer to this question.
I'm free to choose the license. The institute could anyway use and 
the stuff however it wants, and it will appear, for the version i'll 

The license is BSD.
Sources are available on

as previously said, some screenshots of the current status are also 

If anyone like to contribute any help is encouraged and appreciated.


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