[horde] Login question

Roberto Sanchez rcsanchez97 at yahoo.es
Thu Jul 22 04:30:43 PDT 2004

Jan Schneider wrote:
> Zitat von Roberto Sanchez <rcsanchez97 at yahoo.es>:
>> I have two nearly identical servers, both running the latest versions of
>> Horde and all the associated apps.  Both servers run Debian Woody.
>> One runs the Horde apps from the horde.org tarballs (this is is because
>> it started life as a RedHat server, and was later converted to Debian,
>> preserving the MySQL and Horde2 installs).  The second servers runs
>> Horde2 and all associated apps backported from Debian Unstable.
>> The problem is that the machine running from the tarballs pops up an
>> alert upon log in when there are new messages.  It also aplies filters
>> on log in, as expected.  However, the second machine does not display
>> this behavior.  Even if there are new messages, I must physically
>> click on my inbox, then refrenh it to get the filter rules to apply.
>> AFAICT, the configuration settings are identical for both machines,
>> with the exception of slightly different cenfig file locations.
> Maybe Debian provided different default preferences?
> Jan.

I have manually checked all the prefs.  They are the same.


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