[horde] Form & Variable Classes - Hidden Variables

mbydalek at mobilemini.com mbydalek at mobilemini.com
Fri Nov 19 06:27:48 PST 2004

Shoot - sorry for the double post.  I went to copy over my reply from home
last night (which didn't go through) and forgot to change the subject line.

Quoting Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org>:

> Quoting Mike Bydalek <mbydalek at mobilemini.com>:
>> This is starting to wear on me, but I think I'm making progress.  One 
>> of the things I noticed that I just wanted to toss out to see what 
>> your thought process was, is regarding the Form Renderer.  The thing 
>> that strikes me as odd is that there is not <input type="hidden" ...> 
>> if you do an addHidden()
> That is not generally the case. There may be a bug, but I haven't had 
> time to go digging yet. If you could provide a simple standalone form 
> to reproduce the problem that'd help in having the time to 
> troubleshoot it.

Alright, this is something I can easily do.  I'll get that to you when I get
some time to put together the most basic form of forms which demonstrates
the problem.

>> because there is no Horde_Form_Type_hidden, just like
>> there is for _text, _enum etc.  To be consistent and make life easy, 
>> shouldn't there be a Horde_Form_Type_hidden?  Then all the references 
>> to the checks for $this->_hiddenVariables can be eliminated.
> It makes some amount of sense to me, but we've already frozen the API 
> for Horde 3.0. So bugfixes will happen, but this won't.

That's good to hear as some is better than none ;)  The one thing that I'm
wondering about is that I don't see how this would affect the API -
externally, people would still use it the exact same way, but internally
things would change a little.  I'm not 100% sure on what your definition of
'frozen API' is as mine is external API, so sorry for suggesting this it
breaks that definition.


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