[horde] Weather.com Portal problem

Michael W. Jones mjones at otsc.com
Mon May 29 22:00:42 PDT 2006

Good evening.
I recently updated my server to Fedora Core 5, and ran a PEAR Update-All on
my Pear library.  Services_Weather 1.4.0 was installed, along with it's
dependancies, but when a user logs into the horde home page, the main screen
does not load correctly.  Style Sheets, Icons and other graphics are not
loaded.  If the user does not have a Weather.com portal block defined, the
page loads normally.  Prior to this upgrade, it worked fine.
I hope someone here has some suggestions on what to look for to fix this.
PHP Version: 5.1.4 

*	Horde: 3.1.1 
*	Gollem: H3 (1.0.2)
*	Imp: H3 (4.1.1)
*	Ingo: H3 (1.1) 
*	Kronolith: H3 (2.1.1) 
*	Mimp: H3 (1.0-RC1) 
*	Mnemo: H3 (2.1) 
*	Nag: H3 (2.1) 
*	Passwd: H3 (3.0)
*	Turba: H3 (2.1)

PEAR                 1.4.9    stable
Services_Weather     1.4.0    stable
HTTP_Request         1.3.0    stable
Net_FTP              1.3.2    stable
Cache                1.5.5RC4 beta
DB                   1.7.6    stable
SOAP                 0.9.4    beta
XML_Serializer       0.18.0   beta

Thanks in advance for your help.

Mike Jones
Houston, Texas

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