[horde] Imp+HTML editor default font choice (Jan Schneider)

John Gates dimante at dimante.net
Sat Mar 15 20:00:04 UTC 2008

 The following line is where the editor params could be placed

Compose.php (Line 199)

-    $params['config']['pageStyle'] = 'body{font-size:75%;}.imp-signature{background-color: #eee;}';

+   $params['config']['pageStyle'] = 'body{font-family: Arial; font-size:75%;}.imp-signature{background-color: #eee;}';

This works and the editor comes up with the proper font listed and in the HTML area.

Obviously a variable saved in the db for font and size with deafults if nothing was changed would be ideal..  That is where I am hung up.  Can anyone facilitate this? If not I have no problem looking into this further if it can be added when I am done.  Let me know.

Best Regards,
John Gates
Dimante Computer Services LLC
 http://www.dimante.netQuoting John Gates <dimante at dimante.net>:

>> Message: 1
>> Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2008 15:30:31 +0100
>> From: Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>
>> Subject: Re: [horde] Imp+HTML editor default font choice (Jan
>>         Schneider)
>> To: horde at lists.horde.org
>> Message-ID: <20080314153031.143058eikcs2j3sw at neo.wg.de>
>> Content-Type: text/plain;        charset=ISO-8859-1;        DelSp="Yes";
>>         format="flowed"
>> Please quote properly when replying on a mailing list.
>> Zitat von John Gates <dimante at dimante.net>:
>>>  Actually that is not working and is still defaulting to Times New
>>> Roman it seems.  Are there any plans to make a default font choice?
>>> Want me to work on this?
>> No, and yes.
>> Jan.
>  Ok.  I will look at a clean way to do it with integration with the 
> option menu.

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