[horde] Webmail help

Martin Shellman martin at shellman.de
Wed Apr 22 16:10:53 UTC 2009


I am experiencing the same error. Horde and MTA are running on the  
same server. It seems that horde is trying to connect to the FQDN of  
my server. The problem persists even when I set the connection server  
to "localhost" in my Horde settings. **It looks like horde is ignoring  
these settings.**

The only solution I found is to add my FQDN to my hosts file:  localhost  foo.bar


Zitat von zoran barac <baraczof at yahoo.com>:

> Hi,
> My problem is about smtp connection with webmail.
> I recive an error sending message: Failed to connect to  
> xxx.xxx.xx:25 [SMTP: Failed to connect socket: Connection refusedi  
> (code: -1, response: )]
> I am getting the message above while I was trying to send an e-mail  
> as using horde.
> Thanks for help.

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