[horde] Android Horde RPC client. Was: Re: (no subject)

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Thu Oct 21 08:32:55 UTC 2010

Zitat von Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org>:

> Quoting Ralf Lang <lang at b1-systems.de>:
>>> Hi Mike,
>>> I'll be honest, I got to the point where I could query the API for
>>> what modules were installed, and I think look at what I could get to.
>>> The project is here:
>>> https://spriggs.org.uk/android_and_java/workspace/Horde4Android/
>>> Be warned, it was my first semi-sensible Java project, so the coding
>>> is *ROPEY* as hell.
>>> The person I was sort of working on it with got pretty wrapped up in
>>> other things (between us first starting talking about it, and me
>>> making the SVN repo, she lost her job, and then after I committed the
>>> version you see here, she got a new one which took up all her time),
>>> and I then got distracted by other stuff (I'm a bit of a magpie when
>>> it comes to coding projects :( ) so I never progressed any further
>>> with it.
>>> All the best,
>>> --
>>> Jon "The Nice Guy" Spriggs
>> Hi Jon, I thought a while about doing a simple android client for the mnemo
>> app next january to expand upon that experience later on.
>> Are you interested in joining?
> I'm overcommitted, but very interested in this. I have an android  
> phone, I knew java a while ago, happy to re-learn, and I've gotten  
> as far as writing and running a hello world app in the SDK. And half  
> my life is in my Horde install, so having it on my phone in any easy  
> way would be awesome.
> Along these lines... has anyone looked into having Astrid  
> (http://weloveastrid.com/) use Nag as a backend?

Yes, when I started using Android. At this point there wasn't any todo  
app that was able to support any backends different from their own and  
RTM. Has this changed?


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