[horde] Portal blocks and some other prefs not migrated

Stephan Kleber stephan at admin.nabira.de
Sun May 8 20:54:04 UTC 2011


after some tests I wanted to migrate Horde3 to Horde4 (4.0.2 from PEAR).

On the first test the portal looked as it did in Horde3, which is as

On my second test I created a new copy of the Horde3 database which I
converted to Horde4 formats once by the WebGui-System and once by
command-line script.

In both cases the Portal is scrambled. On each position of a portal
block there is just displayed the heading "Error" and the content "not
found." Horde log shows several of the following, each for one portal block:

2011-05-08T15:10:25+02:00 NOTICE: HORDE [horde] PHP ERROR: Undefined
index:  type2 [pid 15648 on line 83 of
2011-05-08T15:10:25+02:00 NOTICE: HORDE [horde] PHP ERROR: Undefined
index:  type2 [pid 15648 on line 46 of

The corresponding entries in the horde_prefs database table look fine,
as far as I can tell:

'stephan at admin.nabira.de', 'horde', 'portal_layout',
"block_title";s:8:"Aufgaben";s:8:"show_pri";s:2:"on";s:12:"show_actions";s:2:"on";s:8:"show_due";s:2:"on";s:13:"show_tasklist";s:2:"on";s:11:"show_alarms";s:2:"on";s:13:"show_category";s:2:"on";s:12:"show_overdue";s:2:"on";s:14:"show_tasklists";a:1:{i:0;s:23:"stephan at admin.nabira.de";}}}s:6:"height";i:3;s:5:"width";i:3;}i:2;s:7:"covered";i:3;s:7:"covered";}i:4;a:4:{i:0;a:4:{s:3:"app";s:5:"turba";s:6:"params";a:2:{s:4:"type";s:10:"minisearch";s:6:"params";a:0:{}}s:6:"height";i:2;s:5:"width";i:1;}i:1;s:7:"covered";i:2;s:7:"covered";i:3;s:7:"covered";}i:5;a:4:{i:0;s:7:"covered";i:1;s:7:"covered";i:2;s:7:"covered";i:3;s:7:"covered";}}'

When I manually configure a new portal block, this one is shown
correctly even if it is the same type as the one not migrated sucessfully.

Any ideas?

Other Prefs that weren't migrated correctly are the alternate identities
of users. I did not find anything special about this in the logs. The
database seems to reflect the old settings correctly and adding a new
identity works fine but the old ones are missing either way.


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