[horde] Sessions consuming CPU

Simon Wilson simon at simonandkate.net
Sat Nov 5 03:52:03 UTC 2011

> Quoting Eric Jon Rostetter <eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu>:
>> Quoting Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at horde.org>:
>>> This can be safely ignored.  Although, you should configure IMP  
>>> NOT to use TLS connections
>> Only if you can safely do so!  Assuming a private connection or both
>> services on the same host, yes. Assuming the network between the two
>> is relatively safe from sniffing, yes.  But if people have access to
>> the network between them, then no.
> Yes, this is correct.  However, this doesn't mean much since, in  
> most situations, plaintext authentication won't be offered (as  
> required by default per the RFC), so there is no security issue.   
> Furthermore, TLS connections should theoretically NEVER fail because  
> they are required by IMAP4rev1.
> Further, I would guess a large percentage of users are running IMAP  
> on the same server they are using Horde on, so TLS would  
> theoretically not be needed in this situation (many IMAP servers  
> will offer plaintext authentication options on connections from  
> localhost).

IMAP is on a different server, I'd prefer to leave TLS on.

The error message may be able to be safely ignored - but it occurs at  
the point in time that the CPU usage hits the roof and stays there. So  
if ignorable, then it aoppears to be a symptom of whatever is  
happening that causes the issue.

I will follow up with the 'old cached javascript' and see if that helps.

Although the fact that it does it even with no connected PCs / clients  
seems strange to me.

The Horde web server was getting no HTTP requests at all throughout.

Given that deleting the session files fixed it, should I be doing that  
when I upgrade? Or how else do I force clients to clear cache when  
some of them are not under my immediate control?


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