[horde] PGP issues

Tolingo Tolinga tolingo at gmail.com
Sat Dec 10 22:28:53 UTC 2011


I'm currently deploying a Kolab server that includes the Horde 3 as a client.
I've placed this problems in the Kolab mailing list but without luck,
so I will try here with the hope that someone can give me some clue.
My apologies if this is not the correct place.

The problem I face is with PGP features. I can generate PGP
Public/Private Keys and also import public keys from Horde
but, I've found the following issues:

1.- All imported public keys when viewed details report: "Invalid key"
and "Invalid email". This is true even for the keys created in the
very same web client and imprted from a different user.

2.- The only way that I've found to compose encrypted/signed mail is
clicking in the email address from the address book. But

3.-  this is true only for the first email. The following mails are no
longer possible to send it
encrypted/signed, as the standard composing window appears always.

4..- It is not possible to click "Replay" to an encrypted message with
an encrypted mail. May be ¿this is just a limitation in the Horde?

The 3rd issue is specially frustrating as I can compose encrypted
email only the first time after importing the public key.
I've made a number of different fresh installations (Ubuntu, CentOS)
to avoid a possible messed system but always get the same result.

Any help will be welcome. Thank you in advance,


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