[horde] Kronolith categories

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Wed Mar 7 16:42:25 UTC 2012

Quoting Andreas Mauser <andreas at mauser.info>:

> Hi,
> ----- Nachricht von Stephan Kleber <stephan at admin.nabira.de> ---------
>   Datum: Wed, 07 Mar 2012 13:38:55 +0100
>     Von: Stephan Kleber <stephan at admin.nabira.de>
> Betreff: Re: [horde] Kronolith categories
>      An: horde at lists.horde.org
>>> Colors are now per-calendar. This has been discussed multiple times on
>>> the list. You can use different "category" or "team" calendars if you
>>> need colored events.
>> Hi all,
>> I asked about this a long time ago and was rejected for performance
>> issues with the tagging system.
>> I know I am unnerving, but since this is requested one more time I think
>> it would be reasonable to discuss about some sensible way to implement
>> colored tags. Colored calendars is dissatisfatory since maintaining 30
>> or 40 calendars just because of colors is crazy and is absolutely not
>> feasible regarding syncing.

> I am absolutely with you!!
> We also dont want to have 10 or more calendard just because of to  
> have colors again, thats not a good idea. Also I already ask how it  
> is with synching. Today I did my first successful sync, now, what  
> would I have to do if I create 10 colored calendars and want them to  
> sync with my Blackberry?

You would add them to your synchronization pref and reset the syncstate.

>> May there even be REMOTELY (say: including sponsoring) a possiblilty to
>> modify the tagging system in a way to support colored tags for the next
>> major release?

At this point, it would probably be too late to get this feature in by  
the next major release, which is due in April. Development time is  
pretty much all accounted for - even over-accounted for. Though, if  
sponsored, it could be added to a point release at some point after  
April - if the performance implications are not a show-stopper.

> That I wish at 'least'.
>> And about searching for events by tags: I know the dynamic views search
>> function includes tags. But I would like to search specificly for events
>> with a certain tag.
> To be practical, and also hoping that the non-dynamic view will not  
> just vanish in the future, I would like to have a search for tags  
> also in the normal view search, please.

It has to still be discussed more internally but, in general, we will  
not be adding new features to the traditional views. It is more  
advantageous to focus our limited development resources into improving  
the new views, not maintaining the old views.

>> In my eyes the new tagging system by far is not as helpful as the old
>> categories. I understand the general idea of a Horde-wide tagging system
>> and fully back the idea, but without colors and search this is a
>> stepback in my eyes.

Sure, search can be improved...but with everything else in FOSS  
software, things have to be prioritized. Currently, there are more  
important things to us to spend our development time on.

> You already have seen that I am also adaptable and try to figure out  
> how we can use Horde practically in the future. But I also support  
> the wish for 'kind of' categories, even if you Tag items, I need a  
> proper search for it and colors are extremely helpful, indeed.
> I am still aware of the performance hit.

Well, being aware of the performance hit doesn't make it go away. It  
is a very real concern. It might be ok for you and your installation,  
but for installations that host many thousands of users this is NOT  

>> From my point of view I merely want to keep this issue im memory, since
>> I arranged things for me with the limited tagging functionality at the
>> moment. I don't want something to be done ASAP but think this should not
>> disappear from the radar, for Horde's sake.

Well, it hasn't disappeared. There is an open enhancement request for  
it: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/9657

As discussed in that ticket, the only realistic way to get colors back  
would be to use small colored dots in the event bubbles - both because  
the bubble is colored by calendar and THAT is not going away, and how  
would you color a single event that is tagged by multiple tags? Also,  
what to do with the calendar's tags?

I won't rehash any more of the discussion, you can read the  
enhancement request for more information.

The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
mrubinsk at horde.org
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