[horde] Horde 5 Final: Missing Files in horde/js Folder

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Mon Nov 5 11:38:05 UTC 2012

Zitat von Brent <impuser at bitrealm.com>:

> Quoting Jens Grüntjes <jens.gruentjes at ebira.de>:
>> Zitat von Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:
>>> Zitat von "T. Bühlmann" <tomnet at tbuhl.ch>:
>>>>> Thats it!
>>>>> Thanks
>>>> Helpeld me too!
>>>> Somehow Horde_Core did'nt get renewed.
>>>> Had to learn this the hard way by completely uninstalling horde and
>>>> reinstalling.
>>>> Thanks a lot
>>> It would help if one of you guys had the complete log from the  
>>> unsuccessful upgrade attempt.
>> Sorry, but I don't have logs from the upgrade anymore :-(
>>>>> On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 4:21 PM, Jens Grüntjes  
>>>>> <jens.gruentjes at ebira.de>wrote:
>>>>>> Zitat von Hannes Werner <jgoethe at gmail.com>:
>>>>>> in my case, these files are not available at all on the disk
>>>>>>> On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 3:44 PM, Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Zitat von "T. Bühlmann" <tomnet at tbuhl.ch>:
>>>>>>>> Hello all.
>>>>>>>>> I did a clean install of horde5.0.
>>>>>>>>> i can reach the configuration dialog in the browser perfectly but i
>>>>>>>>> cannot save the first "general" Tab.
>>>>>>>>> All other tabs look to me like they're grayed out.
>>>>>>>>> If i click save below i see in the apache error log a few  
>>>>>>>>> missing files
>>>>>>>>> in the horde/js folder and i can't find them
>>>>>>>>> in the js-folder on disk either:
>>>>>>>>> horde.js
>>>>>>>>> hordecore.js
>>>>>>>>> redbox.js
>>>>>>>>> accesskeys.js
>>>>>>>>> growler.js
>>>>>>>>> scriptaculous
>>>>>>>>> date
>>>>>>>>> (I hope i got them all)
>>>>>>>>> Are they in a separate pear-package i forgot or are they  
>>>>>>>>> really missing
>>>>>>>>> in the pear package?
>>>>>>>>> Thanks for helping
>>>>>>>>> --Tom
>>>>>>>> http://wiki.horde.org/FAQ/****Admin/Troubleshoot#toc6<http://wiki.horde.org/FAQ/**Admin/Troubleshoot#toc6>
>>>>>>>> <http:/**/wiki.horde.org/FAQ/Admin/**Troubleshoot#toc6<http://wiki.horde.org/FAQ/Admin/Troubleshoot#toc6>
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>> In my case I had to reinstall a package
>>>>>> # pear install -f horde/Horde_Core
>>>>>> I did not notice an error during the upgrade but as mentioned  
>>>>>> the upgrade
>>>>>> procedure produces a lot output so probably there was something I didn't
>>>>>> notice.
> I get missing js files as well.  I can reverted/re-ran the upgrade 3  
> times...each time .js files are missing.  I have a parallel install,  
> so I just copy over the <horde>/js/* files recursively and all is  
> well.  No errors during the installation of horde/Horde_Core using  
> the pear upgrade -a -B -c horde command.
> Here's the header part of the install, however, that does have some warnings:
> # pear upgrade -a -B -c horde
> WARNING: "pear/Console_Getopt" is deprecated in favor of  
> "pear/Console_GetoptPlus"
> WARNING: "pear/HTTP_Request" is deprecated in favor of "pear/HTTP_Request2"
> Failed to download pecl/ssh2 within preferred state "stable", latest  
> release is version 0.12, stability "beta", use  
> "channel://pecl.php.net/ssh2-0.12" to install
> Failed to download pecl/idn within preferred state "stable", latest  
> release is version 0.2.0, stability "beta", use  
> "channel://pecl.php.net/idn-0.2.0" to install
> Failed to download pear/Text_CAPTCHA within preferred state  
> "stable", latest release is version 0.4.3, stability "alpha", use  
> "channel://pear.php.net/Text_CAPTCHA-0.4.3" to install
> Failed to download pear/Text_LanguageDetect within preferred state  
> "stable", latest release is version 0.3.0, stability "alpha", use  
> "channel://pear.php.net/Text_LanguageDetect-0.3.0" to install
> Unknown remote channel: pear.phpunit.de
> Failed to download pecl/sasl within preferred state "stable", latest  
> release is version 0.1.0, stability "alpha", use  
> "channel://pecl.php.net/sasl-0.1.0" to install
> Failed to download pear/Date within preferred state "stable", latest  
> release is version 1.5.0a3, stability "alpha", use  
> "channel://pear.php.net/Date-1.5.0a3" to install
> WARNING: "pear/Auth_SASL" is deprecated in favor of "pear/Auth_SASL2"
> Unknown remote channel: pear.phpunit.de
> horde/Horde_Rpc can optionally use PHP extension "soap"
> horde/Horde_Rpc can optionally use PHP extension "xmlrpc"
> horde/Horde_Cache can optionally use PHP extension "eaccelerator"  
> (version >= 0.9.5)
> horde/Horde_Vfs can optionally use package "pecl/ssh2" (version >= 0.10)
> horde/Horde_Mime can optionally use package "pecl/idn"
> horde/Horde_Mime can optionally use PHP extension "intl"
> horde/Horde_Core can optionally use package "pear/Text_CAPTCHA"
> horde/Horde_Core can optionally use package "pear/Text_LanguageDetect"
> horde/Horde_Kolab_Server can optionally use package  
> "channel://pear.phpunit.de/PHPUnit_Story"
> horde/Horde_Auth can optionally use package "pecl/sasl"
> horde/Horde_Http can optionally use PHP extension "http"
> horde/Horde_Test requires package  
> "channel://pear.phpunit.de/PHPUnit" (version >= 3.5.0)

This should be fixed with the most recent version of Horde_Core  
(2.0.1). The original package was corrupt.
Jan Schneider
The Horde Project

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