[horde] ActiveSync GAL setup help - search returns no contacts

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Fri Mar 1 17:37:21 UTC 2013

Quoting James MacLean <macleajb at ednet.ns.ca>:

> On 02/21/2013 10:02 AM, Michael J Rubinsky wrote:
>> Quoting James MacLean <macleajb at ednet.ns.ca>:
>>> On 02/20/2013 09:22 PM, Michael J Rubinsky wrote:
>>>> Quoting "James B. MacLean" <macleajb at ednet.ns.ca>:
>>>>> On 2013-02-20 1:31 PM, Michael J Rubinsky wrote:
>>>>>> Quoting James MacLean <macleajb at ednet.ns.ca>:
>>>>>>> On 02/20/2013 02:20 AM, Michael J Rubinsky wrote:
>>>>>>>> Quoting "James B. MacLean" <macleajb at ednet.ns.ca>:
>>>>>>>>> On 2013-02-07 2:06 AM, Michael J Rubinsky wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Quoting "James B. MacLean" <macleajb at ednet.ns.ca>:
>>>>>>>>>>> So, no, I do not know if the LDAP server is being queried  
>>>>>>>>>>> from the GAL function properly and I would like to trace  
>>>>>>>>>>> that back, but, alas, my php skills for traversing where  
>>>>>>>>>>> this->_registry->contacts->search() goes is beyond my  
>>>>>>>>>>> skill :(.
>>>>>>>>>>> Would you mind pointing out where that function is that is  
>>>>>>>>>>> being called and I will keep digging in to it.
>>>>>>>>>> This calls Turba_Api::search() (so, it's in  
>>>>>>>>>> turba/lib/Api.php). The actual logic for the search that is  
>>>>>>>>>> called from Turba_Api::search() is in a combination of  
>>>>>>>>>> Turba_Driver::search() (so, in turba/lib/Driver.php) and  
>>>>>>>>>> Turba_Driver_Ldap::_search() (in turba/lib/Driver/Ldap.php).
>>>>>>>>> Ok, getting somewhere now. When you search within Horde in  
>>>>>>>>> the "Global Address Book" the filter is :
>>>>>>>>> (|(givenname=Maclean, james)(sn=Maclean,  
>>>>>>>>> james)(|(displayname=*Maclean, james*)(mail=*Maclean,  
>>>>>>>>> james*)))
>>>>>>>>> Which ties in well with the use of 'strict' settings in  
>>>>>>>>> turba/config/backends.local.php . When I do a search in  
>>>>>>>>> ActiveSync, it looks like :
>>>>>>>>> (&(givenname=Maclean)(sn=Maclean)(|(displayname=*Maclean*)(mail=*Maclean*))) which will never match for me. The AND appears to be coming from  
>>>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>>>> horde/turba/lib/Driver.php
>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>> public function makeSearch
>>>>>>>>> inside this if around line 460:
>>>>>>>>> if (count($strict_search) && count($search)) {
>>>>>>>>> changing that AND to OR gets things moving.
>>>>>>>> That doesn't seem like the right fix.
>>>>>>>> Can you see what the value of $query that is passed in to  
>>>>>>>> Horde/Core/ActiveSync/Driver.php in the _searchGal() method?  
>>>>>>>> I'm thinking I'm building that query incorrectly.
>>>>>>> Added :
>>>>>>> error_log("Q=" . print_r($query,true));
>>>>>>> Searching for Macle :
>>>>>>> Q=Array\n(\n    [query] => Macle\n    [range] => 0-50\n)\n
>>>>>> Ok. The query that is being build and passed to the LDAP  
>>>>>> specific search routine would be something like this simplified  
>>>>>> psuedo-ish search tree for me:
>>>>>> [AND]
>>>>>> |
>>>>>> |---[OR]
>>>>>> |     |
>>>>>> |     |---{owner_id == 'currentuser'}
>>>>>> |
>>>>>> |---[OR]
>>>>>>    |
>>>>>>    |---{firstname == '*bob*'}
>>>>>>    |---{lastname  == '*bob*'}
>>>>>>    |---{alias == '*bob*'}
>>>>>>    |---{email == '*bob*'}
>>>>>> So, in other words, at least one part of each [OR] must match  
>>>>>> for an entry to be included...so the [AND] *must* be included.  
>>>>>> Using an [OR] would end up returning EVERY entry in the source  
>>>>>> owned by 'currentuser' since only one of the two sub OR  
>>>>>> conditions would need to me met.
>>>>>> I'm not an LDAP expert, so I can't comment on how  
>>>>>> Turba_Driver_Ldap::_search() translates this tree into ldap  
>>>>>> filter, but I would look there.
>>>>> So when I am seeing:
>>>>> (&(givenname=Maclean)(sn=Maclean)(|(displayname=*Maclean*)(mail=*Maclean*))) that and is 'suppose' to connect the owner branch with the search branch, but, the owner branch appears to be  
>>>>> :
>>>>> (givenname=Maclean)(sn=Maclean)
>>>>> which will never be true :(.
>>>> Well, your search might be different. The first [OR] grouping  
>>>> comes from any strict searches, yours may or may not be the same  
>>>> as mine.
>>>> You can dump the value of $criteria in  
>>>> Turba_Driver_Ldap::_search() and see the exact structure of the  
>>>> query before it's parsed into an LDAP filter.
>>>> BTW, you can use Horde::debug($some_value); to easily output this  
>>>> stuff. It will output in a file called 'horde_debug.txt' placed  
>>>> in your temporary directory.
>>> If this helps:
>>> 16. Horde::debug() /var/www/horde/turba/lib/Driver/Ldap.php:162
>>> array(1) {
>>>  ["AND"]=>
>>>  array(2) {
>>>    ["OR"]=>
>>>    array(2) {
>>>      [0]=>
>>>      array(3) {
>>>        ["field"]=>
>>>        string(9) "givenname"
>>>        ["op"]=>
>>>        string(1) "="
>>>        ["test"]=>
>>>        string(7) "Maclean"
>>>      }
>>>      [1]=>
>>>      array(3) {
>>>        ["field"]=>
>>>        string(2) "sn"
>>>        ["op"]=>
>>>        string(1) "="
>>>        ["test"]=>
>>>        string(7) "Maclean"
>>>      }
>>>    }
>>>    [0]=>
>>>    array(1) {
>>>      ["OR"]=>
>>>      array(2) {
>>>        [0]=>
>>>        array(5) {
>>>          ["field"]=>
>>>          string(11) "displayname"
>>>          ["op"]=>
>>>          string(4) "LIKE"
>>>          ["test"]=>
>>>          string(7) "Maclean"
>>>          ["begin"]=>
>>>          bool(true)
>>>          ["approximate"]=>
>>>          bool(false)
>>>        }
>>>        [1]=>
>>>        array(5) {
>>>          ["field"]=>
>>>          string(4) "mail"
>>>          ["op"]=>
>>>          string(4) "LIKE"
>>>          ["test"]=>
>>>          string(7) "Maclean"
>>>          ["begin"]=>
>>>          bool(true)
>>>          ["approximate"]=>
>>>          bool(false)
>>>        }
>>>      }
>>>    }
>>>  }
>>> }
>> This looks correct. I'm not an LDAP person, but it looks to me like  
>> the filter is being built incorrectly from this array. This array  
>> is saying that EITHER givenname OR sn must match. The AND is  
>> between the results of the first condition and the second OR  
>> condition.  Someone with more experience with LDAP will have to  
>> track down the issue in Turba_Driver_Ldap::_search().
> Just looking at the first part of of the query that gets created :
> &(givenname=Maclean)(sn=Maclean)
> You can see it does not match the criteria above. That appears to  
> drop the 'OR' and leave the 'AND' one level to low. That is, I would  
> interpret the criteria above translated to LDap to look more like :
> (&(|(givenname=Maclean)(sn=Maclean))(|(displayname=*Maclean*)(mail=*Maclean*)))

I agree. Somebody with more experience with our Ldap code will have to  
take a look at this. Perhaps you should create a ticket on  
bugs.horde.org so this doesn't get lost.

The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
mrubinsk at horde.org
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