[horde] Internet Explorer Compatibility View

Brian Spraker spraker at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 24 21:53:01 UTC 2013

Hello all,

An issue with Horde 5.

An individual prefers to double-click an e-mail in webmail to view the contents instead of using the reading pane.  He is using Internet Explorer 9.

When double-clicking, the box is empty with nothing in it.  However, when he clicks the compatibility view, the contents then shows up.

But - when he logs out and tries to log back into webmail, he gets the minimal view saying that his browser should be updated.

So this is a bit of a catch-22.  He needs compatibility view to see the e-mail messages in a pop-up window - but he cannot login to see the full version of webmail when compatibility view is on.

Brian S.

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