[horde] Problem migrating horde_histories database scheme

c.bayerlein at bundesarchiv.de c.bayerlein at bundesarchiv.de
Wed Nov 6 18:25:37 UTC 2013


When running horde-db-migrate I get the following error:

Migrating to HordeHistoryAddCompositeIndex (4)
== 4 HordeHistoryAddCompositeIndex: migrating  
-- addIndex('horde_histories', array(0 => 'history_modseq', 1 =>  
QUERY FAILED: Duplicate key name  

what can that be?


Christian Bayerlein
Bundesarchiv, Referat Z6 a 1
Potsdamer Straße 1
56075 Koblenz

Tel. 0261/505-498

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