[horde] Several doubts

Mauricio Jose T. Tecles mtecles at biof.ufrj.br
Wed Mar 5 20:49:23 UTC 2014

Citando Borja Riesgo Juan <borjariesgo at gmail.com>:

> Hello
>  I need to know a few doubts about horde:

>  * "Esta parte del mensaje contiene datos HTML, pero la visualización de
> HTML en línea está desactivada." How can i activate it?

Read IMP (docs/INSTALL), and I cote:
By default, IMP is configured to NOT display text/html message parts  
inline. This is done for various security reasons. If you would like  
to see text/html parts inline, you must create a  
imp/config/mime_drivers.local.php file with the following content:

$mime_drivers['html']['inline'] = true;


> Best regards,
> Borja Riesgo
> borjariesgo at gmail.com
> --
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