[horde] Memcache issue

Administrator BCS adje at bezoekerscentrumsonsbeek.nl
Thu May 22 17:14:04 UTC 2014

Quoting Arjen de Korte <arjen+horde at de-korte.org>:

> Citeren Administrator BCS <adje at bezoekerscentrumsonsbeek.nl>:
>> Got Horde is up and running but performance is not what it should  
>> be. It seems I have a problem with memcache. Memcache is up and  
>> running, I can connect to it with telnet localhost 11211, but the  
>> stats tells me nothing is happening there.
> First question, how many concurrent users do you have? If there is a  
> performance issue, installing memcache is not magically going to fix  
> that for you. In you case it might help only if you have a problem  
> with storing/retrieving session information, but that will happen  
> only if you have many concurrent users and are starved on I/O. And  
> even then using native memcache sessions might be preferred over  
> using a distributed hashtable for caching session information.  
> Enabling the latter may even worsen the problem.

I have only a few users, max 25 but in most cases only 3 or 4 are  
active simultaneously. The server is a brand new 3.2Ghz Xeon quadcore  
machine with 4Gb RAM. Apart from the  
Horde/apache2/postfix/dovecot/clamav stuff it's only running samba  
(only a few users as well). So it basically has nothing to do,  
processor load is a few % at max during peak moments.

>> When I enable Memcache server under Configuration>Horde>Distributed  
>> Hash Table, my conf.php contains:
>> $conf['sessionhandler']['type'] = 'Builtin';
>> $conf['sessionhandler']['hashtable'] = true;
>> ...
>> $conf['hashtable']['params']['hostspec'] = array('localhost');
>> $conf['hashtable']['params']['port'] = array('11211');
>> $conf['hashtable']['params']['weight'] = array();
>> $conf['hashtable']['params']['persistent'] = false;
>> $conf['hashtable']['params']['compression'] = false;
>> $conf['hashtable']['params']['large_items'] = true;
>> $conf['hashtable']['driver'] = 'Memcache';
> The above all looks good. Assuming that 'horde-memcache-stats'  
> provide some sensible output, you can rule out that this is the  
> problem.

Output from horde-memcache-stats:

Server: localhost:11211 (Version: 1.4.13 - 4 thread(s))
     Size:          0,00 MB (Max: 64,00 MB - 0% used)
     Items:         0 (Total: 0)
     Cache Ratio:   0 hits, 0 misses
     Connections:   5
     Traffic:       0,00 MB in, 0,00 MB out

It will stay that way all day.

>> As soon as I enable memcache this way, I see some "Invalid  
>> application" errors in Horde and I get randomly "User is not  
>> authorized for horde" messages in the Horde log, followed by  
>> logout. No other error messages. I set memcached logging to -vv and  
>> see no activity at all.
>> I suppose I do something wrong in the Horde config but after a lot  
>> of reading and searching I got a bit lost now. Any pointers in the  
>> right direction welcome!
> What kind of performance issue do you have? And you do use an opcode  
> cache, right?

Performance is more or less acceptable, but not the response speed I  
would expect based upon # of users, server load and server hardware.  
It can take over 5 seconds to process a user login and switching  
between let's say email and calendar also can take several seconds.  
Btw all users are on a direct wired lan connection so that should not  
be a bottleneck.

About opcode caching: I have php5-memcache installed and phpinfo shows  
it is enabled.

Hope this helps you pointing out the problem. Could very well be that  
I am looking in the wrong place, I am by no means an expert.

>> Running latest Horde Groupware 5.1.4 on Ubuntu Server 12.04
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