[imp] view message problems

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Wed, 18 Oct 2000 17:03:01 -0400 (EDT)

Quoting Eric Balsa <ericb@sco.com>:

>   I have recently installed Horde + IMP. What I am now encountering is
> that I am able to sucessfully login to IMP and see my message headers
> (read/unread, date, from, etc,.). However, when I click on a message, I
> am again presented with a login box. Furthermore, If I choose compose
> from the left-hand frame, I am presented with a new browser window,
> which then immediately closes. Nothing seems to be working, yet for same
> reason, the imap connection is retrieving messages. If I watch the
> syslog, it seems as if an sucessful imap connection is established.
> Could someone please shed some light onto possible causes.

You have session problems. I can't tell you anymore, because you never said what
version of IMP you're using.

> A couple things to note. 
> 1. /etc/services lists imap2 on port 143. I saw some past discussion
> that this may be bad. Is this the case?

This is exactly correct.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
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