[imp] Who Can help me??

Michael Bull mbull@uoguelph.ca
Mon, 08 Jan 2001 13:14:49 -0500

At 04:31 PM 08/01/2001 +0100, you wrote:
>I installed Horde/IMP with apache 1.3.6 and php4 on Cobalt Raq3.
>All tests mentionned in the docs are working.http:
>Now if I enter user name and password in http://mydomaine/horde/imp/
>I got the following errors (Note that may database lies on a different
>machine with ip: (in the same subdomaine as machine horde/imp
>machine, users mail account lies also on a different machine (in my
>LAN),  I enter its  FQDN in the configuration wizard.
>After installation of IMAP I copying c-client.a, mail.h, libc-client.a
>in /usr/lib/ of the LAN machine, also files rfc822.h, mail.h, linckage.h
>/usr/include directory.
>Warning: Unable to connect to PostgreSQL server: connectDB() --
>connect() failed: Connection refused Is the postmaster running (with -i)
>at '' and accepting
>connections on TCP/IP port '5583'? in
>/home/sites/home/web/horde/imp/lib/db.pgsql on line 266

That error message is what you want to look into; it seems to not be able 
to connect on that port to that IP address.  Confirm that machine is 
accepting the traffic from outside, and on that port?  Try telnetting to it 
on that port?