[imp] PHP4 + IMAP + MySQL

Miroslaw Jaworski mjaw@ipartners.pl
Thu, 11 Jan 2001 18:19:30 +0100

* Clive McDowell (c.mcdowell@qub.ac.uk) [010111 18:02] wrote:
> Folks,
> in case it's of interest the problem was solved as follows -
> 1) The mysql.so and imap.so errors were caused by dynamic extensions 
> being defined in php.ini when httpd was built statically. PHP3 does 
> not report these errors which is what made me believe this was 
> causing the problem.
> 2) Removal of the extensions from php.ini stopped the errors being 
> reported but httpd still wasn't reading IMP's php files
> 3) After some rummaging in the mailing lists I discovered that one 
> needs the following 2 lines in httpd.conf to allow both .php and 
> .php3 files to be readable via httpd  -
> AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
> AddType application/x-httpd-php .php3
> I could be wrong (having travelled in a couple of circles over the 
> last 2 days) but this isn't made entirely clear in the documentation.
> Would it be worth adding a couple of lines to the IMP 2.2.3 
> installation notes?

What you're talking about ( especially point no 3 ) doesn't concern Horde/IMP 
itself, but proper PHP installation on your machine.
I'm sure that php files types recognition issue is covered by basic php 
installation manual.
In the same manner your apache don't know shtml files until you 
uncomment the proper handlers.


Miroslaw.Jaworski@ipartners.pl  ( Psyborg )  MJ102-RIPE  Internet Partners
Server Administration Department Manager