[imp] RedHat 7 RPMS

Donnie Barnes djb@donniebarnes.com
Fri, 09 Feb 2001 11:30:44 -0500

> I've been trying to decide when it makes the most sense to introduce RPMs
> to the 2.3 line. 

My simple answer to the above is that you should introduce them as soon as you 
want *more* testing of 2.3 than you are currently getting.

I doubt I'm alone when I say that I'd probably install 2.3 if RPMs were 
available, but I don't have time to jump in otherwise.  Yes, I did download
a 2.3 tarball and did look at it for a couple minutes, but it didn't seem 
trivial to install it alongside my 2.2.2 installation (yeah, I need to upgrade 
that, too) so I didn't.  I'm sure it's not terribly hard, but I just didn't 
have the time.


  Donnie Barnes  http://www.donniebarnes.com  djb@donniebarnes.com  879.  V.