[imp] [genosha: One more mailbox locked errors]

Genosha genosha@genotrance.com
Tue, 13 Mar 2001 21:40:00 -0500

No offence intended, but I have configured my box over a long period
of time and the last thing I wanna do is "format" =)
Its been a learning process so I don't wanna get rid of my existing
installation.  Either way, I'll have to check on how the imap conn.
is being done and if it works with general imap/pop3 clients in the
first place.  Perhaps there is some config to be done for those s/w
but I am still skimping the surface there so I guess it will take time
to figure it out.

Thanks for ur time tho =)

* Adam Sleight <adams@linearcorp.com> [010313 21:12]:
> e-smith..it's got proftpd, qmail, dns, dhcpd, what else do ya need?
> you can install an rpm rh7.0 and usually it works just fine.
> I'm gonna just shoot in the breeze
> http://mail.stalker.com/Lists/CGatePro/Message/13927.html
> http://mail.stalker.com/Lists/CGatePro/Message/12660.html
> http://mail.stalker.com/Lists/CGatePro/Message/12632.html
> if you want a test account on my IMP/HOrde e-smith server let me know
>   | 
>   | Now, I think, based on what I read on the mailing list earlier, that 
>   | ipop/imap tries to access the mailbox after locking it itself then doesn't
>   | get access hence waits.  I don't know how far this is true, so if you 
>   | need any other info, do let me know.  I can go to the extent of adding
>   | an account for test purposes.
> ____________________________________________
>   adam http://www.kaikun.org 5,000+ photos 
> ????????????????????????????????????????????


    I have, "to be", achieved,
     now is "to do".

... http://www.genotrance.com ...