[imp] missing modules.php.dist file in CVS version

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Fri, 16 Mar 2001 14:02:38 -0500

Quoting Ben Lovett <blovett@bsdguru.com>:

> Thanks for the quick response Chuck!  The reason I am attempting to use
> the CVS release is that I could not get the release version to work
> properly, as documented in an earlier email I sent to this list.  I got
> everything to look good, and for able to access, but if I would attempt
> to send email without adding an attachment, the body of the email would
> not arrive safely at the destination.  Very strange problem ...  

Yeah, I saw this, I just haven't had a chance to puzzle it out yet...

> Anyway, so.. can I pretty much use the instructions in INSTALL, and just
> adapt to the discrepancies?  Again, thanks for the response.

It shouldn't be too bad, yeah. Though you should check the imp and dev list 
archives for things before posting, and you probably want to follow the dev and 
cvs lists if you're going to be following HEAD.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
"Live, from Washington, where the doctors were telling us what they did, and
 did not, do with Vice President Cheney." -Dan Rather