[imp] Who is using SilkyMail?

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Mon, 26 Mar 2001 14:59:24 -0500

Quoting lps@buffalo.edu:

> In our initial analysis our final three webmail candidates were NetWin WebMail
> (WebIMAP), IMP, and SilkyMail.  They all seemed like good choices but after
> some hemming and hawing we finally went with SilkyMail because -

Fair enough. However:

> 5.  Based on IMP which is a pretty mature product (even though right now
>     SilkyMail doesn't use the latest version) with lots of mailing list
>     activity/support - which means indirect support for SilkyMail.

No one here - including me - is going to be able to help you where SilkyMail 
differs from IMP. SilkyMail is _very_ different from the latest development 
Horde/IMP code; I don't know of any plans that they have to move to a product 
based on the IMP 2.3 codebase, which is a much better engineered piece of code 
than the pre-2.2 version that SilkyMail was based on.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
Number of U.S. nuclear bombs lost in accidents and never recovered: 11