[imp] my language

Sebastien Guilbaud sguilbaud@oceanet-technology.com
Wed, 16 May 2001 08:25:06 +0200

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> IMP 2.2.5 works well (in French for me) but imp 2.3.7-cvs not (it works
> very well in english) ! I don't understand why... I have both on the
> same machine.
> I have done some test on gettext and it appears gettext doesn't work
> properly on the command line... :(

I have noticed the same problem on several linux distributions :
try to restart apache (apachectl graceful) in a shell where you previously
set the LANGUAGE variable (export LANGUAGE=fr_FR:fr for instance). Awful 
trick, but it works for me. gettext was not working for me on the command line
by just affecting the LANG variable, it needs LANGUAGE.

Sébastien Guilbaud
"To err is human, to really f*ck things up requires the root password"
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